Looking for savings and discounts on Clorox cleaning products? This page helps you locate current Clorox printable coupons, discounts and manufacturer’s promotional specials for additional savings. If you are buying the products anyway, it makes good sense to try and save even more money off of your purchase price.
The Clorox Company has been helping families keep their laundry and home cleaner for almost 100 years. The company and its employees stay committed to producing high quality products for their customers. The corporate headquarters is located in Oakland, California and the manufacturer’s official website is at www.clorox.com.
Utilizing grocery coupons and redeeming at your favorite store is a great way to save. Clorox cleaning and disinfecting products can be bought at major retailers, grocery stores and supermarkets across the U.S., such as Publix, CVS, Kroger, to name a few stores.
A few of their popular cleaning products include:
- Clorox Bleach
- Clorox2 Stain Fighter and Color Booster
- Splash-Less Liquid Gel Bleach
- Ultimate Care Bleach
- Outdoor Bleach Cleaner
- Pre-treat and Stain Removers
- Disinfecting Wipes
- Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach
- Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach
- Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner
- ToiletWand System
- Clorox Bleach Pen Gel
- Clorox Oxi Magic
- Oxi Magic Multi-Use Bleach Free Stain Remover
- ReadyMop Advanced Floor Cleaner
- Bleach Foamer for the Bathroom
- Green Works cleaning products
Where to Find Clorox Coupons and Discounts
When you are searching for current deals and savings on these cleaning products, first see their official website at www.clorox.com. They will often feature promotional specials, coupon discounts and ways to save money from the website. In addition, you can get information and learn more about their cleaning and disinfecting products.
• For special offers direct from the manufacturer, see their page at www.clorox.com/special-offers/. It is a good place to keep checking for updated and current specials, printable coupons, free sweepstakes, contests and more. You can also get expert tips on keeping your laundry clean with their cleaning products.
• You may want to join their eNewsletter Club at www.clorox.com/register/. The registration process is quick, by completing a short form. Members receive special manufacturer coupons and discounted offers throughout the year. You also get a $1 Off coupon for Clorox Clean-Up just for signing up for the email club.
When you seek out and redeem printable coupons and special online coupon bargains for the products you need to buy, you can save money. Keep in mind that virtually all offers will expire at some point, so it is important that when you find a deal, that you redeem the offer before the expiration date. Read the offer for specific details.
Video: Got the Magic of Clorox 2 Commercial