
Where to Search Family History Records for Free

Do you know who you were your family members from years ago? Searching for your family ancestors can be an arduous task to say the least. See these sites where you can search for free.

Check out the sites and see which may work for your research needs. Seek out your family lineage from millions or even billions of records from around the world.



Get a Free trial to search at and explore the world’s largest online family history and genealogy resource.


Find out more about your parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents. Where did your family originate? Find out.

Genealogy is a life fulfilling answer to many people. Finding out the history of your family members can be quite an experience. Do you really know where your heritage came from, and what various cultures run through your blood?

You may be surprised to find out the truth. Genealogy research may provide you with many answers.

Sites Where You Can Search

  3. 101 Ways to Research your Family Tree for Free.
  4. Offers a 7-day free trial.

Good luck with finding out more about the history of your family tree.